Marcel van Duijneveldt
visual artist
Born in The Hague, The Netherlands, Van Duijneveldt studied arts in Leeuwarden. A visit to the island of Curaçao in 2000 changed his world. It inspired the artist so much that he decided to move to Curaçao a year later. He has been working here ever since and has no intention to leave.
“Here on the island it is so easy to get inspired by nature. The clouds here are magnificent, especially during the rainy season. And the strange shapes and structures created here by nature are almost surreal. But the most striking of all are the beautiful light conditions on Curaçao.
When looking at canvasses by Van Duijneveldt clouds, air and endless space are what strike you first; the distance is infinite. Marcel van Duijneveldt is a Surrealist inspired by nature, especially clouds and recently the flora on the island. He translates his surroundings into a surrealistic world and on top of that he plays with the perspective to create optical illusions.
Born: March 19, 1970
The Hague,
The Netherlands
SOLO exhibitions
"Botanical Diaspora"
Curaçao Museum
"Round midnight"
Landhuis Bloemhof
"Memories of a Copilot"
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Between Heaven and Earth”
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Mooi voor thuis”
Gallery Mooi voor Thuis, Amsterdam (NL)
“Blue skies Curved lines”
together with artist Marlies Schoenmakers
Gallery Pauw, Oisterwijk (NL)
together with artist Marlies Schoenmakers
Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
“De boog opnieuw gespannen”
Temporary Gallery Otrobanda Vieja,
Riffort Village, Curaçao (NA)

GROUP exhibitions
“Au delà du réel”
Galerie Art' et Miss,
Paris, (FR)
Landhuis Knip, Curaçao
“Baby Bèbè"
Rotary Club Willemstad
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Art Vandalé II”
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Unesco Project Pietermaai”
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
Gallery Pauw, Oisterwijk (NL)
“Art Vandalé I”
Mon Art Gallery, Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Celebration!” 1e lustrum expo ArteVishon
Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
“Arte Bèbè”
Rotary Club Willemstad
Riffort Village, Curaçao
“Nos regalo real”
25 jarig jubileum koningin Beatrix
Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
“Made in Curaçao”
Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
“Art Festival”
Jan Kock, Curaçao
“Pandora’s Box”
Gallery Eighty-Six, Curaçao
Gallery Eighty-Six, Curaçao
“Pasa kontrami” Salonavond
Gallery '86 en Stroomzigt, Curaçao (NA)
Education: 1995-1999
Art teacher, HBO Leeuwarden, (NL)
By Tony Monsanto
In 1970, the same year Marcel van Duijneveldt was born in The Hague, the capital of The Netherlands, I graduated from the State Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. It might have been circumstantial or a prophetical good luck constellation of the stars in that year, because when our paths crossed in 2000 here in Curaçao, we instantly felt comfortable in each other’s company and over the years our spiritual, intellectual and artistic friendship has intensified to the benefit of both of us. In addition to our common admiration for violent genius painters like Caravaggio or Theodore Gericault (among others), we share common memories of cabaret, theater, books and folk tales in the Dutch tradition and we both express a fanatic preference for science fiction movies.
Among the fundamental personal traits of this sensitive fine artist I admire most his modesty and his honesty, presently rare qualities to be found among the younger generation of artists. Their strive for fame and fortune seems to be the guiding force, already displayed during their training years and especially soon after graduation from art school.
Interestingly enough, modesty is not an apparent virtue of Duijneveldt’s paintings. On the contrary: out of the wide open prairie-like spaces, topped-off with bulging cloud formations appear skillfully executed triumphantly bizarre and fantastic surreal constructions. The dreamlike, almost Freudian pictorial visions are executed in minuscule detail, reminiscent of works by Yves Tanguy, Salvador Dali, Magritte or Max Ernst. Composed in the good tradition of the surrealist Dada subconscious experience, there is for sure one additional component hidden in his extraordinary architectural and urban structures. Marcel’s paintings always display references to the vernacular or human condition of our local Curaçao environment. The red and ochre color in “High Tide” seems to be reminiscent of the earth of so many Curaçao plateaus, cracking in desperate thirst for water. Alien warships or ancient fleets - perhaps left over after the biblical deluge - are hovering above the god forsaken land. Gigantic cloud formations are sucked into snow white snakelike trees or creeping vines reminding us of Dali’s dreamlike creations.
As an art teacher, Marcel is transmitting his critical analysis of the island’ state of affairs and particularly those of the cultural and artistic community to his high school students, developing and forming the minds of the future generation.
During our endless conversations, discussing contemporary art, politics, lack of institutional support or infrastructure for the visual arts in Curaçao, literature and movies, Marcel’s involvement not only shows his spiritual and intellectual engagement but clearly typifies him as a very talented and bright young artist, who has a very promising future ahead of him and who will undoubtedly create more brilliant work in the future.
Tony Monsanto
Curaçao, March 27, 2010